Thursday, February 3, 2022


 Um, okay. Just let us know, okay.

I guess I you know just in terms of how we organize this project and why I think what I think has gone well and what has not gone as well. I think that the fact that it's collaborative that it's cross disciplinary that it's we sort of like looked around and said, you know, you know, who do we need to cover all of these issues rather than sometimes these kinds of things I think come out of more narrow sense of I'm only interested in this and you end up with a project or a book that's that doesn't and so we very much we're trying to be comprehensive. We said, you know, this is a real benefit to putting everything on place and

And it was more with an introduced in having sort of a public discussion that had all those things in one place so that journalists or students or whoever could sort of say, you know, the here's a range of issues and I actually I think what we should do even so when we're not completely comprehensive and we could have our blank spots even listed on our website, you know, here's what we don't know yet. Here's what we should know. I think that would be

most more accurate and and motivational and to keep working on filling in those gaps, but I think

you know, we and so many people were so motivated to do it that we were so we were very lucky in that way that you know, when we asked I don't think anybody said no, you know, we just

shoot people an email and they said I'd love to you know.

Write up what I know or do a little more work and and try and come up with something on on this issue.

So but then again, we have no funding we have I mean Watson Institute supports us. We we really I think you know some of the main

Security funders peace funders. I don't think they're that interested. There's the sensitivity about you know, what?

You know, it's it's not a happy story and you know, they remain very focused on on the nuclear issue.

So I I would have

Been a lot happier, and we've gotten a lot farther if we'd had.

you know one of the one of the big funders or you know

Some kind of support to be able to do much more than we have.

But anyway, we kept thinking about you know, the end you said your audience is Congress and our audience was.

You know the general US public so I think we kept thinking you know, what what are what are the questions that are not getting asked or what are the questions that keep getting really superficial answers. So we had a lot of brainstorm in the beginning about you know,

what do people already believe about more in general or about this war or these wars and then you know, let's

Obviously if we if our experts were saying, you know, that's just not right. We need to address the

that sort of existing template right? You're not speaking into the void. You're speaking into some pretty fixed ideas.

About what should be happening what has happened?

So I think we we don't always remind ourselves of that. But I think it was a good way to to think so when obviously you probably got a pretty clear set of ideas about what Congress should know what Congress has been doing wrong this last.

Set of years when it comes to the funding process and and thinking about it. So do you have a list of that already? I do. Yeah, actually, okay. Yeah, that's great. I think that's that's super important. Yeah.

Yeah, I mean one of them being of course, I'm I don't know if you would agree, but from to my eye that that idea that the political process just ended up.

suggesting that nothing could be done that was not in service to

you know the military goals and that that was so distorting and

so, you know, I think that's that's how we got to start the project how we

how we

you know conceptualized it, you know again the journalists we felt were were often just working with a really thin rule of information and you know that your reports have been a godsend to everybody but and including I you know, one of them to me one of the most impressive parts has been this sort of that continued attention to what it is that you don't know so that map of the the blank spots that sort of blinded, you know, sort of Imagine The One-Eyed or the quarter. I'd look at the situation that comes from having to to work on, you know, having lots of inputs pouring into places that are not visible to you. That's right. Yeah.

I mean and that's very interesting. I mean Matt also, he worked on an auditoon Augustine before joining us and yeah. Oh so you were raising convert?

Okay, yeah.

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